English page

Mantra Shakti

Welcome to our English webpage. We do like to introduce ourselves and our work in a briefly way.

  • Mantra Shakti, meaning: Ma= soul / Tra= home  – Shakti= energie (source)
  • Type of healing: Mantra healing for energy intidated problems
  • Mantra means: A ritmic poem of words refering to a sertain energy life form requering it to awaken in the request. Originates from Sanskrit (Old India)
  • Disclaimer and Privacy can be found here
  • Prices can be found here
  • Contact us via form, email of phone

Growing up in Nepal at a local village, the life of Laxman Raj Giri was submerged in traditional knowledge of meditation, yoga, healing performances, and was educated by priest, yogis, saddhu’s and shamans. Now he lives his life in the Netherlands and supported by his Dutch wife runs Mantra Shakti for many years. With his life knowledge, he supports people who cannot find answers to their problems, often caused by energy distortion. Many of these can be healed, but it is up to our spiritual teachers and once personal effort to implement the blessings in our life. Laxman Raj Giri believes in meditation the source can be found to balance; peace and progress in life. He performs his healing by strong mantra’s, guided Sanskrit prayers.

healing in Bali 2016

Healing in Bali

trauma verwerking bij Mantra Shakti

Personal Healing with trauma

Hands in Need, Help for Nepal

Supported projects in Nepal


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